MyCo, Indonesia: Premium Coworking Space & Meeting Rooms by Deskimo - Book Today!


Genteng | Trillium Tower Jl. Embong Kenongo No.77, Trillium Office Tower, #1F-8, 60271, Surabaya
Billing rate
Pay only for the time you use.
16,500.00 IDR
Per minute Per hour
Min charge: 10,000.00 IDR
Daily Rate:  65,000.00 IDR Pay by the minute and stay as long as you want. You'll never pay more than the Daily Rate.


Pantry Pantry
Coffee & Tea Coffee & Tea
Office Supplies Office Supplies
High Speed Wifi High Speed Wifi
Hot & Cold Water Hot & Cold Water
Lounge Area Lounge Area
Natural Light Natural Light
Prayer Room Prayer Room

You need to pay extra fees to use other amenities. Please approach the Community team at the front desk to purchase amenities.


MyCo X Trillium Tower merupakan salah satu pusat bisnis district di Surabaya Tengah. 

MyCo X Trillium Tower is one of the business district in central Surabaya.


Operational Hours arrow
Mon - Fri
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
(closed on public holidays)
Community Team Hours arrow
Mon - Fri
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Aircon Hours arrow
Mon - Fri
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

House Rules

1. MyCo beroperasi pada hari Senin hingga Sabtu dari jam 09.00 hingga 18.00. Perubahan jam operasional akan diinformasikan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dari pihak MyCo.
2. Setiap tenant dihimbau untuk menjaga ketertiban demi kenyamanan bersama.
3. Merokok hanya diperbolehkan di area yang telah disediakan baik oleh pihak MyCo ataupun pihak gedung.
4. Tenant diwajibkan untuk tetap menjaga kebersihan meeting room baik sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan.
5. Meeting room kami dilengkapi dengan sistem HDMI cable to TV, mohon untuk bertanya kepada Customer Relation Officer kami jika kurang mengerti cara pengoperasiannya.
6. Dilarang melakukan tindakan yang melawan norma (Tindakan kriminal, asusila, ataupun segala tindakan yang bertentangan dengan hukum). Segala akibat dari pelanggaran, tidak akan menjadi tanggung jawab MyCo dan pelanggar dapat di jerat sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia.
7. Dilarang menggunakan ruangan untuk tindakan politik, bersifat provokatif, radikal, rasisme, yang memicu perpecahan dan mengancam keamanan anggota tenant serta karyawan MyCo.
8. Anggota tenant diwajibkan untuk bertanggung jawab atas barang-barang pribadi. Segala kehilangan bukan merupakan tanggung jawab pihak MyCo.
9. Anggota tenant tidak diperbolehkan memasuki ruangan yang tidak diperbolehkan seperti meja Customer Relation Officer dan ruang penyimpanan MyCo.
10. Segala bentuk kerusakan yang dilakukan oleh tenant akan dikenakan biaya sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.

1. MyCo operates on Monday to Saturday from 09Am to 06PM. Operational hour will be informed if there's any changes.
2. All tenants are obligated to keep the space clean and steady.
3. Smoking is only allowed in the smoking area.
4. All tenants are obligated to keep the meeting room clean before and after used.
5. Our meeting room is facilitated with HDMI cable to TV system. Please ask our Customer Relation Officer to help you operate it.
7. All activities that are contrary by law is forbidden. MyCo will not be taking any responsibility caused by it.
8. All tenants are responsible for their own belongings. MyCo will not be taking any responsibility if there's any missing item.
9. All tenants are not allowed to enter rooms for staff, these include Customer Relation Officers' desk or storage room.
10. All damages caused by tenants will be charged accordingly to our regulation.

Cancellation policy

Bookings can only be cancelled with a full refund up to 24 hours prior to the start time.

If the booking is cancelled within less than 24 hours of the scheduled time-slot, no refund will be given.

Billing rate
Pay only for the time you use.
16,500.00 IDR
Per minute Per hour
Min charge: 10,000.00 IDR
Daily Rate: 65,000.00 IDR Pay by the minute and stay as long as you want. You'll never pay more than the Daily Rate.
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Meeting Rooms

150,000.00 IDR/ hour
8 People
Explore Room



Booking Details
Please let us know when you would like to book the desk. Your booking will be valid for a whole day pass.
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Booking Summary
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