vOffice, Indonesia: Premium Coworking Space & Meeting Rooms by Deskimo - Book Today!


5 • 1 review Setia Budi | Centennial Tower Jl. Gatot Suboto Kav. 24-25, Centennial Tower, #L29-D-F, 12950, Jakarta Selatan
Billing rate
Pay only for the time you use.
Per minute Per hour
Min charge: IDR 10,000.00
Daily Rate:  IDR 111,000.00 Pay by the minute and stay as long as you want. You'll never pay more than the Daily Rate.


You need to pay extra fees to use other amenities. Please approach the Community team at the front desk to purchase amenities.


vOffice is the leading premium workplace in Indonesia, focusing on providing Premium workspace and One-Stop Business solutions to businesses of all sizes with their office needs. Our business centers also empower client’s businesses to be conducted in a sustainable, efficient and productive office environment.

vOffice adalah penyedia workplace premium nomor 1 di Indonesia, yang fokus dalam menyediakan workspace premium dan solusi kantor untuk berbagai macam bisnis. Kantor kami dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas bisnis.

Top Features


Operational Hours arrow
Mon - Fri
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sat - Sun
(closed on public holidays)
Community Team Hours arrow
Mon - Fri
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sat - Sun
Aircon Hours arrow
Mon - Fri
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sat - Sun

House Rules

  1. Wear appropriate working clothes/attire with a standard office wear 


  1. Smoking is strictly forbidden in all vOffice areas and other restricted areas in the building. A fixed penalty of IDR10.000.000 will be imposed to client if smoking evidence is discovered


  1. Client shall not damage any equipments that are provided by vOffice

  2. Client shall not change the shape or display or install equipments  without the prior written consent from vOffice.

  3. Client shall not change furniture or other equipment that are provided prior written consent from vOffice

  4. Ensure no electronic devices are plugged in when leaving  vOffice

  5. Client shall not permit and cause any improper noises that may interrupt other clients/tenants

  6. Not allowed to bring drugs, prohibited medicines or any hazardous, corrosive, flammable, explosives, radioactive materials or materials with strong odour that may damage the building, or conductive materials inside the room or other vOffice vicinity

  7. Client shall not divert the space rental/usage  to other company/third party without prior permission from vOffice

  8. Client may not conduct or sponsor any event for employees or general public in vOffice common area without permission from vOffice

  9. Client shall not use the space rent for immoral or illegal purposes

  10. Keep the working area clean and tidy

  11. Clients are forbidden to provide work / delegate Client’s work in any form to the employee of vOffice by providing money tips/ gifts outside duty of the vOffice employee

  12. Clients must Inform vOffice on-site team if  notice anything suspicious


  1. Memakai pakaian / pakaian kerja yang sesuai dengan standar pakaian kantor 

  2. Dilarang keras merokok didalam area vOffice atau area lainnya yang dilarang oleh pihak Gedung. Penalty sebesar IDR10.000.000 akan dikenakan ke pihak klien apabila ditemukan adanya bukti merokok

  3. Tidak merusak peralatan yang disediakan oleh vOffice 

  4. Tidak mengubah bentuk atau tampilan atau memasang peralatan yang berat pada jendela dan pintu dan melakukannya tanpa persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya dari vOffice.

  5. Tidak mengganti furnitur atau peralatan lain yang disediakan di dalam ruangan tanpa persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya dari vOffice

  6. Memastikan  TIDAK ADA perangkat elektronik yang terpasang saat meninggalkan kantor

  7. Dilarang menimbulkan suara yang tidak nyaman yang dapat mengganggu penyewa lain

  8. Tidak diperbolehkan menyimpan obat-obatan, obat terlarang atau bahan berbahaya, korosif, mudah terbakar, bahan peledak, bahan radioaktif atau bahan dengan bau menyengat yang dapat merusak bangunan, atau bahan penghantar panas di dalam ruangan atau lingkungan vOffice lainnya.

  9. Dilarang mengalihkan penyewaan / penggunaan ruang Serviced Office kepada perusahaan lain / pihak ketiga tanpa izin sebelumnya dari vOffice

  10. Klien tidak boleh mengadakan atau mensponsori acara apa pun untuk karyawan atau khalayak umum di area vOffice tanpa seizin pihak vOffice

  11. Tidak menggunakan ruangan kantor atau area lainnya di vOffice untuk tujuan tidak bermoral atau ilegal

  12. Tetap menjaga kebersihan dan kerapihan area kerja

  13. Klien dilarang memberikan pekerjaan / mendelegasikan pekerjaan Klien dalam bentuk apapun kepada karyawan vOffice dan / atau dengan memberikan uang tip / hadiah di luar tugas karyawan vOffice tersebut

  14. Wajib untuk menginformasikan tim  vOffice jika  melihat sesuatu yang mencurigakan



  1. Wearing masks are required

  2. Maintain physical distancing from each other

  3. Regularly wash your hands or use hand sanitizer especially after being in contact with other people or touching surfaces and utensils

  4. Clients should not enter vOffice premises if any of the following occurs :

  • Showing symptoms of possible infection of Covid-19

  • Being sick or awaiting Covid-19 test results

  • Had close contact with individual or people confirmed to be infected with Covid-19 within the last 14 days

  • Tested positive for Covid-19 within 14 days 


  1. Wajib untuk memakai masker

  2. Menjaga jarak aman satu dengan lainnya

  3. Rajin mencuci tangan atau menggunakan Hand Sanitizer khususnya setelah melakukan kontak fisik dengan orang lain atau setelah memegang permukaan atau peralatan apapun

  4. Klien dilarang untuk memasuki area vOffice apabila :

  • Menunjukkan gejala Covid-19

  • Sedang sakit atau menunggu hasil test Covid-19

  • Pernah melalukan kontak dekat secara fisik dengan orang lain yang terinfeksi Covid-19 dalam kurun waktu 14 hari

  • Terbukti positif mengidap Covid-19 dalam kurun waktu 14 hari

Cancellation policy

Bookings can only be cancelled with a full refund up to 24 hours prior to the start time.

If the booking is cancelled within less than 24 hours of the scheduled time-slot, no refund will be given.

Billing rate
Pay only for the time you use.
IDR 19,500.00
Per minute Per hour
Min charge: IDR 10,000.00
Daily Rate: IDR 111,000.00 Pay by the minute and stay as long as you want. You'll never pay more than the Daily Rate.
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Meeting Rooms

IDR 255,000.00/ hour
5 People
Explore Room
IDR 510,000.00/ hour
10 People
Explore Room



Booking Details
Please let us know when you would like to book the desk. Your booking will be valid for a whole day pass.
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Booking Summary
Booking Time
Duration Whole Day
Reference Number
Duration Whole Day
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