How to Get the Most From Your Deskimo Coworking Community

February 19, 2022
Deskimo coworking community

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How to Get the Most From Your Deskimo Coworking Community

Coworking spaces are not only a place to work, but also a place where you meet like-minded people who share the same interests and visions as you.

However, getting most of your coworking spaces can be a bit tough, especially when you’re a newcomer to the team, or you’re still in the process of building your career and don’t have much to offer.

At Deskimo, the pay-as-you-go model is a cost-effective strategy for many remote workers and freelancers in Singapore. It specifically means that you will only be charged for the time you spend inside the coworking space. However, is work the only thing you can do with it? The answer is a sweet NO.

Getting the Most of Your Deskimo Coworking Community

Community is a separate subject since it cannot simply be offered or sold, but rather it is built by the people around us. It’s the human element of trust that makes a community a worthwhile place to grow and network.

Here are 6 simple tips to get the most out of your coworking community:

Join an online group with other Deskimo coworking space users.

An online group provides a strong rapport for a community to foster as it offers 24/7 access and a very convenient way to communicate. You can discuss your latest developments, coworking discoveries, concerns, or start a healthy conversation where all of you can participate. It could be about a newly opened Deskimo coworking space by the beach or a sponsored career development event.

Deskimo coworking community
Image: Fizkes via iStock

To start with your online group for all Deskimo coworking users, a Facebook group, WhatsApp, or Discord can be a great choice for stimulating communication and interaction.

Also Read: How To Stay Visible While Working Remotely

Join free events and seminars on career development.

Free events and seminars on career development or business are everywhere. Make the most of your coworking community by utilizing this advantage. Some of them even offer free counseling and great opportunities for your next career move.

Deskimo coworking community
Image: Tzido via Freepik

More importantly, it will broaden your networking opportunities so you can learn and land your next high-paying job!


This is a challenge for introverts. Succeeding in life and career often comes from your ability to socialize with other people. The more influential people there are in your circle, the greater your chance to become like them. Don’t be shy about initiating a quick chat and talking about things that interest you both. Think of it as an investment where you’re not only interacting and developing your communication skills, but also knowing people you can lean on.

Deskimo coworking community
Image: Ketut Subiyanto via Pexels

Let yourself in and be visible to the community you value.

Broaden your horizons by learning from others.

One great thing about the Deskimo coworking community is that there’s no limit to the things you can learn from others. On any given day, you can befriend an artist, a computer programmer wizard, or a business tycoon. Then, on the next, a high-paid freelance writer, a successful business owner, or a group of startups that never fail to inspire you.

Image: Mikhail Nilov via Pexels

You may not be able to grasp their ideas or the system in which they operated. However, the core values are there to help you.

Make use of the resources available.

Aside from the free events and seminars, some coworking communities in Singapore also offer workshops. It’s especially valuable, now that the future of work and everything we do today is heading towards a more advanced way of life. For example, it could be a workshop on remote work best practices, a workshop on keeping your files safe, or a combat against cybercrime. Or it could be as simple as how to keep yourself productive in a hybrid work setup.

Image: RODNAE Productions via Pexels

Different workshops offer different benefits. It also doesn’t take much of your time. Consider it an upskill to keep yourself at the top of your game.

Also Read: 5 Ways To Effectively Prepare For Flexible Work Arrangements

Create a sense of belonging.

Keep in mind that not only should you take advantage of the benefits of a Deskimo coworking community, but you should also do the same by being active and taking the initiative to keep everyone in your community excited and informed.

Deskimo coworking community
Image: Hxyume via iStock

A sense of belonging to a community will benefit each and every one of you in the long run. Make sure to keep growing your networks, share good ideas, and plan a trip together someday to relax and get to know each other better. It’s a culture to keep up.

Also Read: 5 Ways To Effectively Prepare For Flexible Work Arrangements

Are you looking for the best coworking spaces in Hong Kong, Jakarta, and Singapore? Read our blogs and download the app. Browse all the places you want and check in with a smile.

About Deskimo

Deskimo is the flexible work platform of choice that helps businesses navigate the new future of work. With us, you and your business can adapt to flexible work, and pay-as-you-go across dozens of spaces in Singapore, Jakarta, and Hong Kong.


*Our workspaces are currently safe, open and ready for your return. Do adhere to local Covid-19 safety measures to keep yourself, and other workspace patrons safe.

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